You didn't think I could blog about the October issue of Martha Stewart Living without taking you on a guided tour of its pages, did you? Of course not. Now that I am home from my trip, I took some time to go through the issue carefully and (as always) lovingly. I think it's one of the best October issues we've seen to date. I attribute this to the balance of content and the beautiful way it is presented. We have articles on Halloween treats and tricks, of course, on pumpkin carving and creepy décor - all reasons enough to cherish the issue. But we also have some wonderful decorating features, harvest features, recipes and crafts that triumphantly give the fall season the respect it so deserves. At the risk of sounding too effusive and ebullient, I really have to say that the magazine feels revitalized and fresh since editor Vanessa Holden took the helm. It is surely not easy to transform such a branded and well-recognized magazine, but she has done it in ways even I cannot fully identify. Perhaps it's just a combination of elements (font, layout, photography) that are working together to create this new feeling, but the personality of the magazine has definitely changed to feel more young, more connected (via web platforms) and more in tune with trends without pandering to them. I. Love. This. Magazine. 
The first cover shown is the cover that subscribers will see in their mail boxes. The newsstand version of the October issue will have a different cover: four little Jack-O-Lanters smiling out at the passers-by!
I am so pleased by the design of the contents pages. (We first caught a glimpse of this seasonal, pictorial approach to the contents in the September issue. I love the design.)
In her column, Martha introduces us to her menagerie of barnyard animals. She has quite a troupe!
A very practical and informative article on how to incorporate darker and deeper colours into your décor is a favourite feature of mine in this issue.
Anyone who loves the chocolaty, rich taste of hazelnuts will appreciate learning how they are grown and harvested.
Take some anthropological specimens from a dusty museum drawer and magnify them for stunning Halloween display at home. This is another favourite article of mine this year!
Imagine your favourite candy bar and Halloween treats baked in the form of a cake! That's the inspiration behind a collection of incredibly rich and luscious cake recipes in this issue, including this one that is based on a Snickers bar.
Texas interior designer Kimberly Renner took two run-down duplexes and transformed them into triumphs of design.
Take a tour of some genuine haunted houses in New England's Pioneer Valley and learn about the extraordinary past lives of these historic houses.
Collectors of Martha's Halloween products will be very pleased to find two full catalogs inside the issue: one from Martha Stewart Crafts and one from Grandin Road. (The craft brochure features a 50%-off coupon!)
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