My friend Kenn (a fellow Martha-watcher and chronicler) sent me images of the covers of two - yes, two! - new special Holiday issues by Martha Stewart Living that will appear on newsstands in the coming weeks. The first, due out on October 13, Handmade Christmas, is all about homemade treats. Holiday crafts, the best Christmas cookies to bake and share and how to make innovate gift wrap and greeting cards are all part of the issue. The second, on stands November 3, is titled Season's Eatings. It features 101 holiday recipes for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's as well as creative table setting ideas. A reminder that these are not included in regular subscriptions - they are newsstand only, so watch for them or call 1-800-950-7110 to order your copies. 
A few of Kenn's helpful observations: "The second issue notes that it is a special collectible issue. As a collector of Martha Stewart items, all holiday special issues are collectible and claim a good price on such services as eBay. The Season's Eatings special issue IS highly collectible since it's the first issue of such a 'double holiday' press. The Season's Eatings special holiday issue goes on sale November 3. Target shoppers, you should be able to find this issue by October 31.
Each issue is listing for 6.95 (7.50 in Canada.)"
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